No code is good code!


This is the knowledge base of the PHPHOOLIGANS project.

It contains the opinions that the PHPHOOLIGANS defend during their encounters with the community at large.

Because true hooligans operate in the open, these opinions, the facts and arguments that back them up, and the process that evolves a simple thought to a fully fledged fight are all available online in a repository on github.

Process from thought to fight.

In first instance when an (aspiring) hooligan has a brilliant idea they should do the following:

  1. Clone the fights repo
  2. Write down an idea in the proposed/ directory
  3. Open a pull request to the fights repo
  4. Answer any questions and comments that may arise
  5. Wait for the proposal to be merged

In due time and after adequate discussion your proposel will be graduated to a fight or be rejected based on well-founded arguments.

Fight on!